He traveled without offering Tawaf-ul-Ifadah or the Sa`y


Q: Five years ago, I performed Tamattu` Hajj (`Umrah during the months of Hajj followed by Hajj in the same year with a break in between). On the festival day, I threw Jamarat-ul-`Aqabah (the closest pebble-throwing area to Makkah) on the festival day, slaughtered a Hady (sacrificial animal offered by pilgrims) and made the first Tahallul (removal of the ritual state for Hajj and `Umrah). Then, I threw the three Jamarat (stone pillars marking the pebble-throwing area, Jamarat-ul-`Aqabah being the closest to Makkah) on the Days of Tashriq (11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah) and went to Al-Masjid Al-Haram, and performed Tawaf-ul-Wada` (circumambulation of the Ka`bah on leaving Makkah). Then, I returned to Al-Ta'if without offering (Part No. 10; Page No. 225) Tawaf-ul-Ifadah (final obligatory circumambulation of the Ka`bah in Hajj) or the Sa`y (going between Safa and Marwah during Hajj and `Umrah). My question is: Is my Hajj valid? What should I do to make up for what is missed?

A: If the case is as you mentioned, you are required to go to Makkah and perform Tawaf-ul-Ifadah (final obligatory circumambulation of the Ka`bah in Hajj) and Sa`y (going between Safa and Marwah during Hajj and `Umrah) after it because both of them are pillars and Hajj cannot stand without them. If you had sexual intercourse during this period, you are charged with a ransom which is slaughtering a sheep in Makkah meeting the same conditions for Ud-hiyah (sacrificial animal offered by non-pilgrims) and distribute it among the needy people in Al-Haram. The same is true for your companions who did the same as you. If you leave after Tawaf-ul-Ifadah, it will be sufficient for Tawaf-ul-Wada` (circumambulation of the Ka`bah on leaving Makkah) and if you stay, you will have to do Tawaf-ul-Wada`.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Yasser Al-Dosari